The City of Calgary is pleased to announce the eight commercial properties making a significant impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Calgary: Calgary City Centre, Westwinds Village, Balmoral School, Catherine Nichols Gunn School, Ernie Starr Arena, Calgary Impact Centre, Memorial Park Library and Corporate Warehouse. Part of BenchmarkYYC, a City program that helps commercial building owners measure, track and compare their building’s energy efficiency, these top-performing properties were recognized at this year’s BenchmarkYYC Awards event.
“Celebrating and investing in our community’s climate action increases Calgary’s opportunities – both locally and globally – to attract economic development, talent and investment from all sectors,” says Councillor Evan Spencer. “At the same time, we’re supporting new industries, low-carbon technology, jobs, local business growth and partnerships.”
More than 20 participants from the private, public and non-profit sectors competed in eight categories. The winners – Goodwill Industries, Boardwalk REIT, Calgary Public Library, Calgary Board of Education and The City of Calgary – achieved the lowest greenhouse gas emissions within their category relevant to the size of the building.
“We see BenchmarkYYC as a powerful tool to track our portfolio’s energy and emissions performance, which assists us in making informed decisions for energy efficiency improvements in our buildings,” says Sheila Odie, Senior Director with Boardwalk REIT. “At Westwinds Village, we replaced and upgraded both the roof system and building envelope to significantly reduce the thermal load. We are encouraged to see the positive year-over-year impact of these capital investments.”
BenchmarkYYC participants disclose their annual whole-building energy consumption data and gain access to decarbonization supports such as annual building performance scorecards, recommended energy efficiency measures, cost saving opportunities and tailored training.
“BenchmarkYYC plays a vital role in helping Calgary actively manage and reduce its emissions,” says Brent Downey, Corporate Environmental Specialist, Climate & Environment. “By recognizing and rewarding top performers, the program encourages the building industry to strive for greater energy efficiency and sustainability, contributing to The City’s goal to be net zero by 2050.”
Looking ahead, BenchmarkYYC aims to expand participation and further reduce Calgary’s emissions. The City is committed to supporting businesses in their sustainability efforts and achieving a greener future for all.
“To participants in this year’s BenchmarkYYC Awards and those who continue to make Calgary a special place, thank you for your passion, dedication and creativity,” says Councillor Spencer “It is an honour celebrating you and the work you do.”
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