The City of Calgary is preparing to begin phase three of repairs to the Bearspaw South Feeder Main, with pre-work scheduled to begin today, Oct. 16. Construction is expected to continue until late November. These repairs are much smaller in scope and will not require city-wide water restrictions because these sections can be isolated while keeping the feeder main running.
Phase three of the feeder main repairs are taking place now given the results provided by the pipe diver assessment following the feeder main burst in June. The information provided about the condition of the feeder main identified specific areas reaching the threshold for immediate repairs. We are proactively addressing the segments identified as most compromised based on this data. Performing this work now will help to lower the risk of another unplanned failure in the feeder main.
Beginning today, crews will be in the repair areas to begin pre-construction work which involves median removal on Crowchild Trail N.W. and Parkdale Blvd
N.W., sawing into the pavement, setting up fencing, removal of sound barrier walls and pathway closures. These steps are required before removing sections of the pavement as part of the excavation process to expose the pipe for repairs. Draining and excavation of the pipe are anticipated to begin the week of Oct. 21.
Minor detours and traffic impacts will be in place while pre-work begins. Larger traffic impacts and detours listed below start when construction begins next week. The length of detours and traffic impacts in place will vary dependent on the work and we will provide updates when there are changes or updates.
These repairs will take place in three locations:
· Repair site one: Parkdale Blvd N.W. between 26 St N.W. and 27 St N.W.
· Repair site two: Memorial Drive westbound off-ramp that connects to Crowchild Trail northbound.
· Repair site three: Brownsea Drive N.W. at the bottom of the Bev Longstaff West Hillhurst Pedestrian Bridge ramp.
There will be significant impacts for vehicle traffic as well as pathway detours for pedestrian and wheeling users as a result of these repairs. Please refer to the repair site impacts below with corresponding maps to understand the detours and impacts in place.
Anticipate traffic congestion along Parkdale Blvd N.W., Westbound on Memorial Drive N.W. approaching the Crowchild Trail N.W. off-ramp and along northbound Crowchild Trail N.W. near this off-ramp. Please use extra caution and patience while driving along these routes.
Repair Site One: Parkdale Blvd N.W.
· South side of Parkdale Blvd. N.W. will be closed to vehicle traffic between 26 St N.W. and 27 St N.W.
· Vehicles will be detoured to the North side of Parkdale Blvd N.W. with single lane, two-way traffic maintained.
· Vehicle parking along the North side of Parkdale Blvd. N.W. will be removed between 26 St N.W. and 27 St N.W.
· Regional pathway along the Bow River for both wheeling and pedestrian traffic, will be closed between 27 St N.W. and the crosswalk used to access Kensington Rd N.W.
o Wheeling traffic will be detoured from 27 St N.W. to 1 Ave N.W. to 25 St N.W.
o Pedestrian traffic will be detoured to the sidewalk on the North side of Parkdale Blvd N.W.
· Pathway detours come into effect on Thursday, Oct. 17.
· Traffic detours come into effect on Sunday, Oct. 20.
Repair Site Two: Memorial Dr westbound off-ramp connecting to Crowchild Trail northbound
· The righthand northbound lane on Crowchild Trail N.W. at the Memorial Dr westbound off-ramp will be closed to facilitate the feeder main repair.
· the Memorial Dr. off-ramp to Crowchild Trail will be open but will have a temporary configuration in place. Vehicle speed on Crowchild Trail N.W. will be reduced to 50 km/h.
· Access to the repair site will be provided through the residential community located directly east of Crowchild Trail N.W. via 23 Street N.W. and Broa
dview Rd N.W.
· Sections of the sound barrier panels adjacent to the Memorial Drive N.W. off-ramp and Crowchild Trail N.W. will be removed to provide access to construction equipment and personnel.
· The local pathway along the sound barrier wall will be closed from Westmount Rd. N.W. to 21 St N.W.
· Pedestrian and wheeling traffic will be detoured through the community along Westmount Rd N.W. to 22 St N.W.
· Parking on the south side of the Broadview Road N.W. and along west side of 23 Street N.W. will be removed to ensure equipment can access the repair location.
· Pathway detours come into effect on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
· Traffic detours come into effect on Sunday, Oct. 20.
Repair Site Three: Brownsea Dr N.W. at the bottom of the Bev Longstaff Pedestrian Bridge ramp
· Brownsea Dr N.W. will be closed along the southwest section of the road.
· Vehicle access to the back alley north of Brownsea Dr N.W. will be limited to local traffic only.
· Pedestrian and wheeling access to the Bev Longstaff Pedestrian Bridge will remain open, however a temporary ramp will be implemented to detour users away from construction area.
· To gain access to and from the Bev Longstaff West Hillhurst Pedestrian Bridge, pedestrian and wheeling traffic will be detoured through the community from Westmount Rd N.W. to 22 St N.W. then to Broadview Rd N.W. to 20 St N.W. and down to Brownsea Dr N.W.
· Pathway detours in effect on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
Construction Impacts
· Traffic congestion on northbound Crowchild Trail N.W., westbound Memorial Drive N.W., Memorial Drive N.W. northbound off-ramp to northbound Crowchild Trail N.W, and both eastbound and westbound Parkdale Blvd N.W.
· Noise, dust and moderate vibration from equipment.
· Use of bright construction spotlights.
· Construction vehicles operating on residential roads, including Broadview Rd. N.W., 23 St N.W.
· Contractor staging area, including equipment storage and site offices located in green space at east end of Bowness Road, east of 23 St N.W. This green space will be fenced off and closed for the duration of construction.
· Work hours are anticipated to be 6:30 a.m.-10 p.m. seven days a week.
· Periodic work into the night as required.
· Pathway closures and detours.
· All business and residential access will remain open, but expect increased traffic congestion while work is taking place.
During construction, sections of Parkdale Blvd N.W. and the westbound Memorial Dr. N.W. off-ramp onto to northbound Crowchild Trail N.W. will be impacted with traffic and pathway detours will be in place. Updated traffic information can be found at and updated pathway detour information can be found at
More information
We will provide regular updates on construction planning, road closures and detours. Project updates can also be found at