My Ward 4 Office has received a few emails from Community Association members asking about how things are going to work with all the new changes to City Council, and if there are any changes to my Ward 4 Office. My Office sent this letter to every CA, to answer many of the questions that I have received. I will continue to serve Ward 4, and as always my Office is open, and here to help with the many issues that face Ward 4. – Sean
Dear Ward 4 CA’s,
Cllr. Chu has been asked by a few Community Association Boards about the current situation, and what this means for their community concerns, and moving things forward at City Hall. The Cllr. wanted the Ward 4 Office to send this letter to let everyone know what is going on.
Since October, Cllr. Chu has been working with his eleven new colleagues, two of them being Cllr. Chabot and Cllr. Pootmans who Cllr. Chu served with from 2013-2017. Given the large turnover of Council this term, having two Cllrs. with the knowledge of why Council voted a certain way in the past is advantageous. It will help provide some much-needed historical context to the new Cllrs. when they have questions on past Council decisions.
There were a lot of questions arising from Council’s decision to remove Cllr. Chu from all Committees. While Council has the right to not appoint a Cllr. to an Agency, Board, or Committee, under the Municipal Government Act any Cllr. can still attend, speak, and vote at those Committees as an elected member of Council. Cllr. Chu has been attending many of the same Committees he sat on before or Chaired in some capacity. Many of the presentations, questions, and discussions held in Committees directly impact how Cllr. Chu will vote on the Council floor.
As before, if a CA wishes to speak to an issue, submit documents to be included on an upcoming Council vote, or speak with Cllr. Chu on the issue the door is always open. If the CA or someone on the Board would like to talk to a Ward 4 staff member on Teams that can also be arranged.
There are two new faces to the Ward 4 Office; Aaron DeBoer and Dustin Franks have left the office to start on their businesses. The new EA is Milica Zjalic who has been at the Office of the Cllrs. for nearly a decade so brings a wealth of knowledge to the Ward 4 Office. Alexandra Brayne will be joining the office shortly as the new Communications Assistant and is working on another Degree at the University of Calgary. Andrew Chin will remain as the Liaison for CA’s, and Ward 4 constituent case work.
If you need anything the Ward 4 email has changed and is now
Regarding the 1997 investigation, Cllr. Chu has reached out to his colleagues to answer any questions they have to the extent that he can, as many documents are sealed. The same offer is for all Community Associations, and individual members.
The Ward 4 Office is as always open, and accessible to every CA on any matter. We also welcome Winston Heights – Mountview as the newest addition to Ward 4, and we look forward to working with you all again over the next few years to make Ward 4 and every community in it – an even better place to live.
Ward 4 Office