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Community Cleanup events provide an opportunity for Calgarians to dispose of items that do not fit in their waste and recycling carts. They also support community residents who do not have access to cart service.

All events occur on Saturdays and/or Sundays throughout neighbourhoods in Calgary. The spring events begin on the weekend of April 27/28, and run through June 29/30. The fall events begin September 7/8 and run through September 28/29. Limited events will also be held during the summer.

The City of Calgary supplies three packer trucks with crews, as well as funds to assist with cleanup expenses for each organized event. Please note that these events accept residential waste only.

Please check the community websites for more information on specific events.

All current Ward 3/4 scheduled Cleanups can be found below. For all other clean ups, click here. 

28-Apr Huntington Hills CA
25-May Thorncliffe Greenview CA
2-Jun Triwood CA
9-Jun Dalhousie CA
22-Jun Brentwood CA Horizon Church
14-Sep Highland Park CA
15-Sep Winston Heights Mountview CA
18-May Northern Hills CA
8-Jun Livingston CA
30-Jun Hidden Valley CA




Sean Chu

Sean Chu arrived in Calgary from Taiwan in 1985 speaking not a word of English, and within 7 years he was a sworn officer with the Calgary Police Service. From that point on Sean worked with the Calgary Police Service as on Officer for 21 years in a number of roles until 2013.

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