The City of Calgary wants to make sure our city continues to be a wonderful place to live. To do this, we need to hear from you. In Fall 2023 (Oct 23-Dec 3), we ran the first phase of engagement of the City Building program titled “Where are we going?” This phase was focused on establishing a shared understanding of the program with Calgarians and to align their feedback to the program’s deliverables. We had a total of 6,850 participants who attended in-person or online events and visited the online portal for information. This phase of engagement encompassed three distinct sections: “Calgary Today,” “Moving around Calgary,” and “Final Thoughts.” Most respondents expressed a preference to stay in their neighbourhoods over the next decade. They also highly value Calgary’s rivers, natural areas, parks, and affordability. Click here to read the What We Heard report.
Phase 2 of citywide engagement, titled “How are we going to get there?” launched on Jan. 29 and is in the concept stage. We are testing ideas we heard in Phase 1 and continue to gather feedback. Calgarians are invited to participate in helping to shape the future of Calgary. To learn more about the concepts, provide your input, and to either register for an online session of for one of the many interactive in-person events, please visit our engagement portal.
“We are thrilled at the amount of participation we had during our first phase of engagement, and really encourage Calgarians to continue this journey with us. We want to ensure we get this right, and that it reflects what we hear from residents about the future needs of our city,” says Laura Graham, Program Manager for City Building.
From Jan. 29-March 3, Calgarians are invited to have their say on the concepts named the Calgary Plan (merging the Municipal Development Plan with the Calgary Transportation Plan), Zoning Bylaw (currently known as the Land Use Bylaw) and Street Manual (currently called the Complete Streets Policy & Guide) either online or at numerous engagement events and opportunities throughout the city. “Our team will be at numerous events, holding webinars, and even have an exhibit at the Municipal Building,” says Graham. “Join in the conversation about the city we love. We want to hear from you – let’s help shape Calgary’s future!”
Visit for detailed information about the concepts, a complete listing of all events (both in-person and online), and to provide feedback.