This is from the City of Calgary, click the link below. Council voted 8-7 against Cllr. Sharps NOM to move it as urgent business to the upcoming Council meeting on September 14th. Here is Cllr. Sharps NOM.
Calgary is experiencing a housing crisis. One in five Calgary households are unable to afford where they currently live. That’s 80,000 households who are spending more than 30% of their income on housing.
Low vacancy rates, higher than normal rent increases, and escalating home prices are putting Calgary’s competitive advantage as one of the world’s most livable cities at risk.
To ease the strain and support Calgary’s prosperity now and for future generations, we need more homes in all shapes and sizes in all neighbourhoods. We have a plan to do that.
The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy names specific actions we can take as a city to address the housing crisis and remove barriers to housing affordability and economic prosperity.
It includes five outcomes;
- Increase housing supply
- Support affordable housing providers
- Support The City’s housing subsidiaries
- Ensure housing choices meet the needs of equity-deserving populations
- Meet the affordable housing needs of Indigenous people living in Calgary
The strategy incorporates the 33 actions from the Housing and Affordability Task Force, a handful of additional new actions and 38 previously Council-approved actions for work that’s underway.
These proposed actions will increase the supply of market and non-market housing, ensuring that there is a diverse range of options in all communities so all Calgarians can find a home that meets their needs.
The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy will be reviewed by members of Council at the Community Development Committee meeting on Sept 14.
People living in Calgary can hear the strategy and have their say at that meeting. Sign up in advance to participate in-person, by phone or via written submission at