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Successful main streets bring people together. To help understand how Calgary’s main streets are doing, The City of Calgary is launching the Main Street Metrics Program.

What is this project about?

The Main Street Metrics Program will collect and track data related to how our main streets:

  • Support a social and healthy environment.
  • Facilitate improved mobility and functionality.
  • Demonstrate a unique character and identity.
  • Create areas of economic vitality.

This survey will act as one input into the Main Street Metrics Program to gather insights about the user experience along each street. These will be measured alongside other types of data to help paint a comprehensive picture of the current successes and challenges of each main street.

This information will be collected on a yearly basis to better understand changes over time. If you completed last year’s survey, please feel free to complete it again now to share if anything has changed your experience on the street.

To learn more about Calgary’s Main Streets, visit

Sean Chu

Sean Chu arrived in Calgary from Taiwan in 1985 speaking not a word of English, and within 7 years he was a sworn officer with the Calgary Police Service. From that point on Sean worked with the Calgary Police Service as on Officer for 21 years in a number of roles until 2013.

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