This is from the city’s website below, but there is a lot of information on upcoming communities in each quadrant, and what the cities plan is to ensure they are built for the future, with the largest ones in the north being designed around the future Green Line in Stage 2.
The Citywide Growth Strategy focuses on how to enable strategic, sustainable growth and development and retain investment and jobs in Calgary. The strategy consists of three components, focusing on Calgary’s New Communities, Established Areas, and Industrial Areas
Growth in new communities plays an important role in Calgary’s development. While the Municipal Development Plan sets targets for an increasing share of growth to occur through redevelopment in established communities, a substantial share will continue to be accommodated through new community development.
New communities are and will continue to be an important component of the city’s housing supply, supporting affordability and providing opportunities for a diverse range of housing options to continue to be accommodated within the city, generating direct and indirect employment through construction and over the longer term, and allowing Calgarians a variety of choices in terms of housing type and location.