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With spring finally here – that means patios are back!

If you are a business owner, who needs a patio for the summer, the city is now accepting applications.

The city recognizes that this is a transition year for businesses, the city is again waiving the fees to do this. These include the use of public land and development permit fees. The changes this year are to guideline to improve accessibility for Calgarians both to the patios and along public sidewalks.

To improve accessibility, seasonal patios are to be located in the parking (curbside) lane, wherever possible. Patios located on public sidewalks must have a minimum of 2 metres of clearance for mobility and access by all Calgarians. This is to help provide Calgarians of all ages and abilities a continuous and level pedestrian path of travel.

Also, patio permissions that are granted this year will be good for three years – further streamlining the process and supporting businesses in making longer-term patio investments. Renewal/billing notices will be sent to businesses every year before the season starts. The new guidelines remove the need for temporary barricades and detour ramps that were seen in previous patio seasons.

However, since 2022 is a transition year with the new guidelines, a sidewalk-level pedestrian detour in the parking lane can be considered. Several groups provided input on the seasonal patio guidelines including The City’s Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Business Improvement Areas.

For details, guidelines, contacts and other information related to patio applications, please visit

Sean Chu

Sean Chu arrived in Calgary from Taiwan in 1985 speaking not a word of English, and within 7 years he was a sworn officer with the Calgary Police Service. From that point on Sean worked with the Calgary Police Service as on Officer for 21 years in a number of roles until 2013.

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