Parks and WRS will conduct a small-scale pet waste diversion collection pilot in two off-leash dog parks in 2023. The pilot will be conducted from April to November. The parks selected are Tom Campbell Hill and Queen’s Park Village. These parks were selected due to their proximity to observation and service routes. the parks also have somewhat of a defined entrance with garbage receptacles that we could place green bins next to
A redesigned residential green cart will be located at each entrance to offer pet owners the option to dispose of pet waste for composting. Pet owners will be encouraged to place pet waste in certified compostable bags in the green bin.
The composting facility staff will assess each load collected for acceptability and contamination to determine if the load will be composted or disposed of in a landfill.
Be a responsible dog owner and always pick up and dispose of your pets waste properly. If neighbours leave pet waste behind, please report it to 311. Bylaw 47M2021 Failure to remove animal feces is an offence and the specified penalty is $500.