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Single Use Item Bylaw Repealed!

By May 13, 2024No Comments

I along with 11 other colleagues voted to repeal this. I did not vote in favour of this to start. Cllr. Carra, Cllr. Penner, and Cllr. Wallcott voted against repealing. Cllr. Wallcott is asking administration to bring a new plan forward.


Council voted to repeal the Single-Use Items Charter Bylaw (1H2023). Effective immediately, the Bylaw is no longer mandatory to any businesses providing new paper or reusable shopping bags and/or foodware accessories to customers.

As a result, businesses will no longer be required, as part of a bylaw, to:

• Charge a minimum fee for new paper and reusable shopping bags,
• Provide shopping bags by request only,
• Provide foodware accessories by request only.

Council’s vote only impacts the City of Calgary bylaw. The Government of Canada’s Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations still applies, which impacts business use of plastic shopping bags, cutlery, and straws. While the City bylaw is no longer in effect, Calgarians can expect that some businesses may choose to voluntarily charge a fee for paper and reusable shopping bags or ask if they require any foodware accessories before providing them.

Our immediate focus is to ensure that businesses and Calgarians are aware that the City bylaw is no longer in effect. Tactics include a media statement, direct letter, and email to businesses, plus web and 311 updates. To help answer any questions you may receive regarding the repeal of the Single-Use Items Bylaw, an FAQ
is attached with the memo.

Our strategy to reduce single-use items waste also includes voluntary programs. As reducing single-use items waste remains important, we will continue to encourage businesses to adopt waste reduction practices that best fit with their operations. These may include switching to reusables where possible such as providing reusable serviceware for dine-in, participating in a reusable cup share or takeout container program. Calgarians are also urged to utilize reusables where and when it is practical such as reusable shopping bags, cups and utensils. Businesses and Calgarians can learn more about voluntary waste reduction initiatives at

Sean Chu

Sean Chu arrived in Calgary from Taiwan in 1985 speaking not a word of English, and within 7 years he was a sworn officer with the Calgary Police Service. From that point on Sean worked with the Calgary Police Service as on Officer for 21 years in a number of roles until 2013.

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