The City is working on the revitalization of Stephen Avenue. After decades of use, it needs a revamp. This is the most used pedestrian street in Calgary and often what newcomers and visitors first see of our city. This revitalization will go along with the renovation of the Glenbow Museum. If you want to provide feedback, and look at the first draft of plans click the link.
‘As a flagship project for Calgary’s Downtown Strategy, the City is investing in the future by transforming and modernizing Stephen Avenue. This iconic and historic street, situated in the heart of our City, serves as a cultural hub, a tourist attraction, a business district, and a vibrant place for everyday life. Despite these strengths, the Avenue has reached the end of its usable lifespan and is in need of a refresh to ensure its success into the future.
Revitalizing Stephen Avenue is paramount to the success of our Downtown. With numerous changes on the horizon, now is the ideal moment to position the Avenue as a forward-looking, 21st-century street that continues to foster vibrant public life in the heart of Calgary.’